The most important facts at a glance

Kiosk (snacks, drinks, games)

Counseling room for refugees

Culture stage (music, art, poetry, dance)

- Open 4 hours daily
- Freiburg, Stühlinger Kirchplatz
- Barrier-free, inclusive, low-threshold
- Local cultural network
Stühlinger Kirchplatz is a lively but also conflict-ridden area. Many people feel unsafe there – noise, tension and neglect are key problems. They are triggered by the clash between different user groups and their needs.
This is where our KulturKiosk comes in! In a small wooden house as a meeting point, we create a place that connects people and thus tackles the problem. The kiosk offers more than just snacks and non-alcoholic drinks: there are games, a varied cultural program, discussion groups and a counselling service for refugees. Our goal? To make Stühlinger Platz a place of exchange, safety and coexistence for everyone. It is low-threshold, inclusive and barrier-free. Together, we revitalize the space and promote cultural exchange – for an open and lively community.
Der KulturKiosk soll folgende Funktionen erfüllen:
- Öffnungszeiten: 4 Stunden am Nachmittag (Mo-Fr). Angebot kleiner Verköstigungen (Snacks, alkoholfreie Getränke).
- Kulturbühne (siehe unten)
- „Beratungszimmer“ für geflüchtete Menschen auf dem Platz
- Zur Verfügung stellen von Spielmaterial (Federball, Tischtennis, Slack Line usw.)
So soll der Platz in seiner vielfältigen Nutzbarkeit erlebbar gemacht werden, auch um der bisher beobachteten Segregation auf dem Platz entgegenzuwirken. Es gilt Probleme gemeinsam in die Hand zu nehmen, um so für Konfliktbewältigung und Transparenz zu sorgen.
Find out more and join in!
Interested in the background and what our KulturKiosk has to offer? Here you can find all the information about our project, our goals and how you can be part of making this place a reality.
The concept is made up of two components: the kiosk itself and a colorful cultural stage.
Five afternoons a week – in summer from 2 to 6 pm and in winter from 1 to 5 pm – the KulturKiosk invites you to spend time together. In addition to tasty snacks and non-alcoholic drinks at low prices, the kiosk also has other offers.
Visitors can choose from a wide selection of games that are available to borrow. From classic chess and petanque sets to active games such as badminton and slackline – there is something for everyone here.
Another important part of the kiosk is a counselling room, which is specially equipped for one-to-one meetings and support with bureaucratic issues. This low-threshold service is aimed particularly at refugees to make it easier for them to access a counselling center. It offers practical help and builds trust.
The kiosk works closely with the street social work organisation KontaktNetz to also reach homeless people. In this way, the KulturKiosk is growing into a lively meeting place for the whole community. Thanks to the wide range of offers and cooperation, it promotes exchange and togetherness. People can talk, linger and meet at eye level in a relaxed atmosphere.
Culture stage
The cultural stage on Stühlinger Kirchplatz will be a vibrant centerpiece for creative minds and culture enthusiasts! Local artists will present their work on a barrier-free podium and invite you to actively participate – to join in, discover and be amazed. Whether dance, theatre, music or art – the square will be a meeting place for culture in all its facets. Look forward to creative events such as poetry slams, storytelling sessions, live music and inspiring readings. All interested parties, such as organizations, schools or private individuals, can contribute their ideas and fill the cultural stage with life. The program is coordinated by Schwere(S)Los! in cooperation with other cultural sponsors in the community.
The best thing? Everything is barrier-free, low-threshold and accessible to everyone! No matter who you are or where you come from, you’ll find your place here. Together, we create a diverse program that strengthens the community and creates space for new ideas and encounters. The various creative events and workshops, led by artists and professionals, cover key social issues that affect us all – such as democracy, tolerance and community – as well as dealing with conflicts. Creative means are used to show the perspectives of different users of the square so that the cultural program is not only entertaining, but also promotes togetherness.
In addition to the creative highlights, there will also be a moderated discussion and dialogue format that will give residents, local institutions and all other users a voice for their concerns and ideas. Every voice counts and is heard!
Join in, be part of it and be inspired – the KulturKiosk is all about real participation, creative freedom and togetherness.
Get involved!
Get involved and let’s create something great together! If our project has convinced you and you’d like to become part of the KulturKiosk, then we look forward to your support! Every donation brings us one step closer to making this place become a reality.
Thank you for being part of it!
Support the construction of the KulturKiosk
You can transfer a sum of money to our association bank account.
We will be happy to send you the cost plan for the construction of the KulturKiosk on request (see contact details).
Schwere(s)Los e.V.
Kto: 7916354900
BLZ: 43060967
GLS Bank eG
IBAN: DE66430609677916354900
If you have a PayPal account, you can also use it to make a donation (simply click on the donation button):
Schwere(s)Los! e.V., Kleineschholzweg 5, 79106 Freiburg
verein@schwere-s-los.de, Tel. +49 761-50 75 02
Der Gemeinderat der Stadt Freiburg hat beschlossen, den Betrieb des KulturKiosk zu bezuschussen – hierfür ein großes Dankeschön an alle Gemeinderätinnen und Gemeinderäte, die sich für uns eingesetzt haben!
Unsere Aufgabe ist es nun die Finanzierung des Baus sicherzustellen. Sobald dies geschafft ist, unterstützt uns die Stadt finanziell, damit der KulturKiosk täglich unter der Woche für alle zur Verfügung stehen kann.
Abgesehen von mehreren Stiftungsanträgen hoffen wir auf eine große Spendenbereitschaft von vielen Menschen, Firmen und Organisationen. Damit dieses wunderbare Leuchtturmprojekt Wirklichkeit werden kann!